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Loose Teeth Treatment




Noticing a loose tooth as an adult is cause for concern. It occurs when a tooth loses support and slowly detaches from the gums and bone. You might find that the slightest touch may cause the tooth to move, and eating or chewing can cause further loosening.

Keep in mind the reasons for a loose tooth may vary by patient. For instance, you may have experienced “primary occlusal trauma,” in which the teeth have experienced a prolonged excessive biting force beyond their tolerance. The looseness is caused by habitual grinding or clenching of the teeth in this case. You may have also experienced “secondary occlusal trauma,” where the teeth can’t handle the stress due to degraded bone support and gum tissue detachment. The damage accelerates due to clenching habits combined with weakened bones and gums.

The most common cause of loose teeth in adults is secondary trauma from periodontal (gum) disease. Bacterial plaque buildup on teeth from poor oral hygiene causes a chronic infection that eventually weakens gum attachment to the teeth, and a loose tooth is a late sign of this damage.


Dental implants are an effective way of replacing missing teeth. Dental implants will provide a long-lasting solution to a missing tooth through the use of a support post implanted into the jaw that will allow a crown to be fitted. Provided the jaw has been given a chance to heal; it can be one of the best ways of replacing a missing tooth. Dental implants are designed to be indistinguishable from your natural teeth, helping you get your smile back.


If you need several teeth removed, then dentures or partial dentures can be a less invasive option compared to an implant. While they are not permanent, they can be a convenient way to replace missing teeth.


The upside is that you have treatment options when it comes to dealing with a loose tooth. Your first step should be to schedule a visit with a periodontist. The periodontist and his or her team will thoroughly clean the tooth, root, and gum surfaces. It’ll remove the plaque and reduce the infection and inflammation that will help restore healthy tissue. They may also recommend antibiotic treatments to reduce bacteria below the gum tissue that you can’t see.

Additional treatment options include:

  • Better Oral Hygiene: Brushing twice a day, flossing, using good technique, using the proper equipment, and knowing when to replace your toothbrush.
  • Scaling and Root Planing: Scaling and root planing, also known as conventional periodontal therapy, non-surgical periodontal therapy or deep cleaning, is a procedure involving removal of dental plaque and calculus (scaling or debridement) and then smoothing, or planing, of the (exposed) surfaces of the roots, removing cementum or dentin that is impregnated with calculus, toxins, or microorganisms, the etiologic agents that cause inflammation.
  • Gum Grafting: A gum graft is a type of dental procedure performed to correct the effects of gum recession. It is a quick and relatively simple procedure in which a periodontist removes healthy gum tissue from the roof of the mouth and uses it to build the gum back up where it has receded.
  • Laser Gum Procedure (LANAP): An FDA-cleared laser treatment called the LANAP protocol offers a more successful treatment alternative to conventional procedure. LANAP is the only scientifically, research-proven methodology that results in true periodontal regeneration, new bone growth, and gum tissue reattachment.


While loose teeth may be cause for concern, you can rest easy that under our care you’ll be on your way to getting back your smile and confidence. We pride ourselves on taking good care of our patients and offering the best solutions for each patient’s individual needs and circumstances. Loose teeth shouldn’t be ignored and we hope that you’ll contact us today if you would like us to take a look and see what we can do for you. You shouldn’t have to live in worry or discomfort and we want to help you feel better and obtain a smile that you feel proud to show off.